"In the end, the only thing you really own is your story"

Friday, November 2, 2012

Why can't I be a 30 year old pop star?

For those who know me, and know me well you'll all agree that I have what some might call the "DIVA" in me. However, as I come ever so much closer to that pivotal three O birthday mark I have to stop and wonder...can I still be a 30 year old pop star? Now I'll begin with the fact that, I know, I am not currently a pop star by any stretch of the imagination (except maybe to a few Queens in Boston...but that's another story entirely) but should I have to "give up the ghost" as my time line creeps higher and higher age-wise? We've all heard the "Madonna is looking a little tired" arguments (and I've even made them myself) but look at people like Britney, Christina, Fergie, Beyonce, Alicia Keys, Usher, Justin Timberlake etc etc etc. Are they any LESS relevant because they are sharing the pop charts with the likes of the barely post-pubescent Beibers and Swifts of the world? Granted most of these stars got their start wielding Mickey Mouse ears or strutting on Star Search in the 80's...so my big question is: Is it too late for a gal like me to "get in the game?" (Please no Susan Boyle references...I'm not THAT old yet) Now granted, I'd rather fit into the Amy Winehouse mold (alcoholism aside) than the Britney mold...eh screw it...who am I kidding...if someone were to hand me Britney's career on platter I would take it without question (head shaving/marriages in Vegas aside). I've always said I wanted to be "drag queen famous" ... the kind of fame, or should I say infamy, in which drag queens everywhere are clamoring to buy Leah Canali wigs and painstakingly painting on my tattoos night after night to lip sync to my voice. Now THAT is fame! Unfortunately, as life tends to go, I'm more exhausted than fabulous most days now so how in a world where we have to work to live do we put the fabulous back in the equation? Is this even attainable or do I need to drop my fabulous standards (please lord noooo)? I think my first stop needs to be "reattain pop star level fitness" ... let's face it...when the body looks good the mind feels better. I also believe a lot of my woes have to do with lack of motivation and inspiration. I'd like to be able to grab hold of more of both of those "ations" in my life.
Here's my ultimate question internet? Is it possible to be a first time 30 year old pop star? (and please oohhh please tell me the only answer isn't The Voice or X-Factor or Toddlers and Tiaras or Jerseyrealworldhousewives or whateveeerrrrrr...my almost 30 year old heart can't take it)