"In the end, the only thing you really own is your story"

Monday, September 13, 2010

The Mc (what the hell are you thinking?!) Mini

Soooo after a bit of a hiatus from writing I have run across something that begs to be blogged about. The McMini Sandwich at McDonalds.

I will preface the forthcoming rant with this admission. I have not, nor will I, be trying this sandwich. I know it's sounds stubborn but it's purely principle after how much this particular menu item has irked me. You know what I NEVER wanted to see on a McDonald's menu the words, pesto, mango or baguette. Not to mention the words "Thai style" ANYTHING. Now I know what you're probably thinking...WHY are you so peeved by this? It's just McDonalds! Everyone loves a little dirty D's right?! RIGHT! There in lies the problem. I don't want people going into a McDonald's and thinking "wow this pesto is really great...I bet this is what all pesto is supposed to taste like". Wrong. It isn't what all pesto should taste like and shame on you McDonald's for making people think that. While we're on that subject, why the hell are you trying to "class up" your menu in the first place. I don't know many people that think to themselves "Gee I've got a jonesing for Thai food why don't I jont on down to the local Micky D's and have myself a sandwich". You know where people should go for Thai food...A THAI RESTAURANT!!! That would be like Taco Bell serving escargot. Nope, no...noooooooo......Also the advertising for this product is all over the map. It's a hand holding a sandwich which is meant to show how allegedly small this sandwich really is! GASP! You know what you can also fit in the palm of your hand? A REGULAR SANDWICH. Nice work million dollar advertising campaign. Nice work indeed.

Now I will say this sandwich isn't all bad. At least the caloric punch it packs is worthy of it's "mini" name. For the Thai (grrr) grilled option your looking at 260 calories and 9 grams of fat (not too bad for a dirty McDonalds run). Make that Thai (grrr) sandwich crispy and you're looking at another 70 calories so that's 310 cal and 14 grams of fat. The pesto (also grrr) chicken of the grilled variety will run you 280 calories and 13 grams of fat and make it crispy and you're looking at 350 calories and 19 grams of fat. Ug. Guess Thai is the healthier option here folks. Moral of the story and we all know this...if you make something crispy (a nicer name for deep fried) it's going to cost you more in the calorie department. No matter how small the damned thing is.

So ok McDonald's I give up...I don't know why you insist on trying to make your food more upscale but I find it ridiculous and it bothers me everytime I see an advertisement for some new and increasinly exotic ingredient. Thanks for trying but if your attempt was to bring culture to masses it's pretty piss poor in my humble opinion. I don't want people to think a mango is what comes slopped onto one of your fried sandwiches or that pesto should just taste like garlic and salt and not fresh basil! Let's call a spade a spade. McDonald's is crap fast food that is great when you're in the mood for some late night munchies but it is NOT a high class establishment and shouldn't attempt to be one.

There...two cents given...

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