"In the end, the only thing you really own is your story"

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Really Leah? You're starting a blog?

Why yes inner monologue...I am. Thanks for asking...

For those who know me, you'll know I tend to have 5 or 6 hundred stupid things bouncing around in my head at any given time...worries about unemployment, lyrics to obscure early '90's R&B tunes, answers to the Metro's crossword puzzle, random drag queen trivia...the list never really ends. SO in an effort to get some of the more esoteric things out of the caverns of my brain and onto a page so I can concentrate on more pressing matters my friend Elaine suggested I start this blog. Now Elaine being the marketing magnate that she is (seriously folks, this girl will take over the world someday with kindness, retro 40's style and marketing prowess) I have decided to get over my preconceived notions about blogs (isn't this where teenagers air their grievances about the new Kei$ha album?) and give it a go.

So yeah...here I am...a Bostonian Torontonian (every blog is better when it rhymes right?) here to give you my unique, often flawed perspective on living in a new city...no scratch that...new country...because although Toronto does afford me most of the creature comforts of home there are certainly some major differences including but not limited to:

1.) Junk Food. There is no such thing as a McPoutine where I come from.
2.) Purchasing of liquor. Apparently the Boston word for liquor store is a massive racial slur here (learned that one the hard way, I won't repeat it.) Also, speaking of liquor stores what's with the no booze at the corner store huh? HUH? ;) Silly Ontario liquor laws.
4.) Universal health care. It rules and I don't care what anyone from the states has to say about it. (Really? Doctor's appointments are free?! You don't say...)
5.) Taking off your shoes when you enter a home. (I'm not saying I don't agree with the concept but it's definitely taken me awhile to get used to this one...sometimes the shoes make an outfit folks)

I'm sure there will be more to follow but those are just some of the things that stick out in my mind at this time.

So there she is...log in numero une of "An American in Toronto", unfortunately Gene Kelly has yet to show up for our big musical dance number...any day now Gene...any day...


  1. Wait, you didn't know Packie was an offensive term!? HOW LONG HAVE YOU KNOWN ME!!! Common' man!!!

  2. I know Sai...I'm soooo ashamed...I had NO idea. I felt like a real idiot and got some AMAZING looks. I apologize on behalf of bewildered white people everywhere.

  3. Ya didn't I tell you I learned that lesson when I was in Scotland? The Brits/Scots find that word offensive too.

    I hope you have an entire blog post about Bloody Mary's vs. Caesar's

    BTW yay congrats for doing this! I love it so far! Especially the shout out!

  4. Amazing darhling!!! I look forward to the rest! Ps what's bad about the word packies...i guess I am a whitey at heart??? Oops!

  5. Haha...it's a slur for people from Pakistan...I had noooo idea. I felt really badly...

    See my blog is helping people already! ;)

  6. Leah,

    I love this blog..especially the whine about the wine...take it from a former 2 bottle, (yes they are both for me, is there a problem with that?)....drinker...take care, keep up the great blog, love ya xoxoxo

  7. Thanks Auntie Faith! Hope all is well with you :) all love, Lee xo
