"In the end, the only thing you really own is your story"

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Shame on you Jon Voight. Shame on you.

Now I know I just posted about my favorite day...Hangover Sunday. I also wanted to make a quick post about this appalling article I read yesterday containing comments from a one Mr. Jon Voight.

I'd never really thought much about Jon Voight to be perfectly honest. I know he does a really horrible FDR impression and that he fathered Angelina Jolie who I happen to like quite a bit. After that I couldn't really tell you too much more about him. I'm sure I've seen movies that he's in but he isn't particularly memorable and I never jumped on the "24" band wagon so that's a wash for me too. In fact Jon Voight never really entered into my consciousness, until now.

Until this quote:

"The American People are witnessing the greatest lie that is cleverly orchestrated by President Obama and his whole administration. President Obama feeds people poison, giving them the idea that they are entitled to take from the wealthier who have lived and worked in a democracy that understands that capitalism is the only truth that keeps a nation healthy ... [Obama uses] a socialistic, Marxist teaching, and with it, he rapes this nation..."

Yes, that's right. Mr. Voight felt the need to write a LETTER TO AMERICA dissing on our current, breath of fresh air President Barack Obama. Now to begin I'm constantly surprised by Republicans in Hollywood (well actually I'm surprised by them anywhere) but ESPECIALLY the entertainment industry. We're supposed to be free and politically forward thinking. Now I don't really know the history of Jon Voight's career(I know he was the son of immigrants new to America) but I'm guessing at some point in time he was a "starving actor" pounding the pavement just like the rest of us in this industry. You know what's really helpful when you're a starving artist?! FREE HEALTH CARE. Living in Canada now I can say that Obama is on the right track when it comes to his health care reform. Unfortunately, the Republicans got involved and watered down the damn thing so badly it is but a shadow of what it could be. Nice work guys. However it's a step in the right direction, I don't care what you say Jon Voight. You know who DOESN'T need more money?! JON VOIGHT. You know who does?! ME! And deserving artistic people who have chosen to forgo large paying jobs in pursuit of our dreams. Not everyone can be a movie star Mr. Voight and some of us need a little help and I don't think it's too much to ask for those who have a lot to help those who don't. Something tells me that most of the people I know work a lot harder than you do Jon Voight with not a lot to show for it. So I'm sorry that we're taking away some of your precious "Pearl Harbor' money Jon but living in a democracy doesn't mean being a stingy bastard. I like to think the American ideal is that you can work hard, live your dreams and if you're lucky enough to make it where you want to go it is your responsibility to give back a little. I really don't think that's too much to ask. That tax money is a drop in the pan for someone like you Jon but it helps people not as fortunate as you tremendously. So before you speak out of turn about Obama poisoning our nation I would take a good look at yourself. I think it's greed that has poisoned our nation not the possibility of positive change. Look at what the last 8 years have done to us because greed got in the way. We keep taking and there isn't going to be anything left. To be perfectly honest I think that we live less in a democracy and more in a capitalist society. Under the rules of democracy ANYBODY should be able to run for president and win but we all know it doesn't work like that. It's the people who have the money that can run and we get to choose from that small demographic. Now this being said I am amazingly proud of our country for the man we did choose. I think his potential is astounding and his presence inspiring. Living in another country I have a first hand look at what the rest of the world thinks of us and it's not good Jon, it's not good. Obama is helping that stigma. I love that a man who has so much thinks about giving back to those who don't. That's the way it should be Jon. That's the way it should be.

So now I'm off my soap box and my blog will again return to non-sequitor musings about youtube clips and not turn political. I don't want to write a political blog. It's boring and been done before. However, I felt the need to say something about this since it angered me greatly. That's my letter back to you Mr. Voight. You can leave the American people alone and your thoughts to yourself next time. It makes me really sad you're in Zoolander because I love that movie and you've ruined it.

I'm with you Angie, I'm never speaking to him again either.

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